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Bernard Touati, Franck Bonnet

Friday, September 23, 1:00-2:15

The Challenge of Implant Esthetics

Lecture Description: 

Today osseointegration is a given, a predictable biological phenomenon with almost all existing implant systems. Yet clinicians are challenged to routinely achieve the esthetic integration of dental implants. Establishing a perfect treatment plan, with a biological emphasis and utilizing Zirconium oxide and CAD-CAM restorations is always critical.
Presently metal-free restorations combine strength, biocompatibility, esthetics and longevity both for single crowns and full arch restorations. Optical scanners, advanced softwares, colored Zirconia ect… allow the restorative team to reach high esthetic levels with sustained reliability. Several cases will be presented, ranging from anterior single crowns to full-arch restorations.

  • Obtain predictable esthetic success and harmonious tissue integration with anterior single implant-supported crowns.
  • Decide when to cement or when to screw-retain
  • Understand the lab perspective with CAD-CAM Zirconia-based ceramic restorations
  • Plan, and realize, the most esthetic full-arch implant supported Zirconia-based restorations
About presenter: 

Bernard Touati DDS, MS: Anterior implant-supported digital-ceramic crowns : cemented or screw-retained?
Visiting Professor, Hadassah faculty of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Editor –in-Chief “Practical Procedures and Aesthetic Dentistry”
Past President of the European Academy of Dentistry

Dr. Franck Bonnet: Full-Arch implant-supported ceramic restoration
Post graduate in Biology, Prosthodontics, Periodontology, and Implantology (Paris University), Member of the European Academy of Dentistry